Recap of Episode 20

"Redacted" by @eclecticirie Season 2 Episode 20 Written by: Harley Peyton Directed by: Todd Holland Original Air date: January 19, 1991 "Cooper..." We see the stars at night and then hear a spooky voice whisper, "Cooper..." An owl shaped yellow symbol flashes into view. Major Briggs' voice begins to seep in the background as he slowly comes into focus. The Major is sitting on what appears to be a King's thrown in the middle of the woods. He recounts the experience of his disappearance as best he can remember. We can hear Cooper's voice asking him questions as we focus on the Major. Briggs tells them he recalls a giant owl. Then a flash of an owl flying off appears. We flash back to the Major and see the same symbol has been marked on his neck. "Is this meant for the soul? My soul?" In the conference room, Dale, Doc Hayward and Harry question Major Briggs. Dale asks him how big this owl was...