Twin Peaks 2017: The Best of Season 3
Twin Peaks: Season 3 was littered with amazing moments of humor, horror, and heartbreak. It was 18 hours full of unforgettable imagery, and loads of ambiguous mystery to stew about. As in the original series, Season 3 also offered a myriad of quotable dialogue, quirky characters, and laugh out loud scenes that were delightful for fans. Pictured above, although we didn't see her much until Part 10, Candie sure was fun to watch. Paired with the famed Mitchum Brothers, the whole team provided so much fun. Thinking of that, I thought it would be nice to put together a list of some of my personal favorite moments from Season 3. These were just my top picks, but honestly the entire season was a thrill to watch. It was hard to chose the "best", because there was so much to enjoy spread over the whole eighteen hours. Nonetheless, I had to make some choices, otherwise this post would be endless. Enjoy!
The Best of Season 3
Mr Jackpots and his famous, "Hello-o-o-o!" pretty much solidified Dougie Jones as the most entertaining gambler ever. Not only did his casino escapade make us fans laugh, but he joyfully managed to change the life of a sweet homeless old woman, with the help of the Black Lodge of course. Watch here ---> Thank you Mr. Jackpots!
The evolution of the arm was rather unexpected, but in my opinion, simply brilliant. Devoted fans know some of the history behind Michael J. Anderson's absence in season 3, not all of which seemed pleasant, but that didn't matter. A sycamore tree with a head similiar to the baby in Eraserhead worked out just fine. Watch here ---> I am the Arm.
Mr. C's violent vomiting of Garmonbozia was both disgusting and oddly hilarious. Although quite excessive in the amount of pain and sorrow that was excreted, it was hard not to enjoy his struggle to keep that creamed corn concoction inside. Watch here ---> Garmonbozia Vomit Scene.
Even the hard nosed Mitchum brothers were no match for Dougie's charm and innocence. Despite their determination to murder Dougie in the desert, a dream that led to a truth changed their minds, and a check for 30 million dollars. Watch here ---> I love this guy!
Mr. C's violent vomiting of Garmonbozia was both disgusting and oddly hilarious. Although quite excessive in the amount of pain and sorrow that was excreted, it was hard not to enjoy his struggle to keep that creamed corn concoction inside. Watch here ---> Garmonbozia Vomit Scene.
Even the hard nosed Mitchum brothers were no match for Dougie's charm and innocence. Despite their determination to murder Dougie in the desert, a dream that led to a truth changed their minds, and a check for 30 million dollars. Watch here ---> I love this guy!
Bubble Bob was a terrific and inventive way to incorporate the deceased Frank Silva's legacy into the new season. After much speculation from the fan community on the "Bob" situation, and whether it would be handled via CGI or a recast, Lynch and Frost found an excellent solution by turning Bob into a bubble/orb/egg that lived inside Mr. C. Bravo!
Major Briggs' floating head was a trippy thrill to watch. In a lovely nod to Eraserhead, a clever tribute to the deceased Don Davis, and with a dreamy otherworldly feel, this moment was truly mysterious and mesmerizing. Seeing the Major in any form brought on a smile from ear to ear on this fan's face.

Major Briggs' floating head was a trippy thrill to watch. In a lovely nod to Eraserhead, a clever tribute to the deceased Don Davis, and with a dreamy otherworldly feel, this moment was truly mysterious and mesmerizing. Seeing the Major in any form brought on a smile from ear to ear on this fan's face.

Jade was super adorable and fun to watch. Even naked in the shower she managed to make the absurd entertaining. She also mailed Dougie's room key back to The Great Northern, which was pivotal for Cooper. I just loved her! Watch here --> Jade Gives Two Rides!
Bushnell Mullins was one of the best characters to emerge from the Dougie storyline. "Nobody keeps Battling Bud on the ropes for long!" Week after week he cracked me up with his quirky charm and dialogue. I loved that he came to love Dougie in the same way all of us fans did throughout Season 3.
Dougie and Janey-E's sex scene in Part 10 was one of Lynch's best sexy scenes. In much of his previous work sex scenes are often heavy, and sometimes scary, but this was just plain amusing. Dougie's face and flapping arms are priceless. Watch here ---> Oh Dougie!
Norma and Big Ed getting a happy ending to Otis Redding's, I've Been Loving You Too Long, was truly beautiful. After decades apart, these two finally get together in a scene that was impossible not smile wholeheartedly at. Watch here ---> I've Been Loving You Too Long
Hutch and Chantal brought a touch of Quentin Tarantino to Twin Peaks. They entertained us with conversations about junk food and morality, despite their own reprehensible behavior. I'd argue that Lynch did Tarantino better than Tarantino with Chantal and Hutch's outrageous death scene. Perhaps it was a friendly nod to Tarantino or a slight dig at him for famously denouncing Fire Walk With Me years ago. I guess we'd have to ask Mr. Lynch to be sure. Watch here ---> Epic Death
Seeing so much Albert, especially after Miguel Ferrer's tragic passing, was an utter delight in Season 3. In the original series, Albert's dialogue was classic and always amusing. That trend continued in 2017 with the line, "Fuck Gene Kelly, you motherfucker!," leading the charge. See here ---> Poor Gene Kelly. We'll miss you forever Miguel!
Bobby Briggs cleaned up his act in 2017, which seems to have cost him Shelly, but would have made Major Briggs very proud. He was the character I had a crush on as a kid, and seeing him on the right side of the law and life, made me crush on him all over again. I loved all his scenes, but I think him encountering the woman in the car was the most memorable. Watch here ---> Car Scene.
David Lynch as Gordon Cole in 2017 was an unexpected pleasure. Of course I loved Gordon in the original series, but this time he was a major player, not to mention a very entertaining character. From his fine Bordeaux to his charming French companion, Gordon was just a blast to watch all season long. See him here ---> Gordon's Monica Bellucci Dream
Denise Bryson returned in 2017 as the Chief of Staff at the FBI, and also as one of the world's tallest women. I loved how she checked Gordon, and how she stated that normally she has to grow balls of steal to do her job, because it's a bitch. Ha ha! Watch here ---> Fix Your Hearts or Die!
David Lynch as Gordon Cole in 2017 was an unexpected pleasure. Of course I loved Gordon in the original series, but this time he was a major player, not to mention a very entertaining character. From his fine Bordeaux to his charming French companion, Gordon was just a blast to watch all season long. See him here ---> Gordon's Monica Bellucci Dream
If I had to guess who or what Diane was before 2017, I would never have guessed she'd be a foul mouthed tulpa who chain smoked. However, Laura Dern brought some incredible energy to the character and will now forever be legendary. See her here ---> American Woman
Denise Bryson returned in 2017 as the Chief of Staff at the FBI, and also as one of the world's tallest women. I loved how she checked Gordon, and how she stated that normally she has to grow balls of steal to do her job, because it's a bitch. Ha ha! Watch here ---> Fix Your Hearts or Die!
That fucker Ray/FBI informant certainly got under Mr. C's skin with his sly smile and sarcastic tone. Unfortunately it led to his demise, but his character was pivotal in Part 8 when he shot Mr. C and revealed the disturbing Woodsmen. See here ---> Moonlight Sonata.
The Glass Box scene started out a little sexy and ended with a whole lot of scary. I always thought Tracey was a spy, and that sex somehow triggered evil. As it often does in most classic horror films. However, we'll likely never know for sure. Watch here ---> Glass Box and Chill!
Sarah Palmer as Judy was certainly frightening. Grace Zabriskie has an intensity to her acting that is unmatched, and always brilliant. In Season 3 her character was very dark, and now, thanks to The Final Dossier, we know that she was the girl who swallowed the most horrific bug of all time. You really don't want to mess with her. Watch here ---> I'll Eat You!
Part 8 will likely go down in history as one of the best episodes of television to ever air. No doubt within the Twin Peaks fan community it has already achieved that title. The incredible bomb scene, the Woodsmen, The Fireman and Senorita Dido with Laura Palmer as a golden ball of goodness, including the terrifying radio station scene, all made Part 8 just amazing, mind blowing and bold. I loved every moment of it. Watch here ---> The Bomb!
When James sung, "Just You," at the Roadhouse I literally jumped off my coach and cheered him. I was never a big fan of the original version, but seeing James Marshall give it redemption in 2017 gave me so much unexpected joy. Watch here ---> Just You!
Audrey's character arc in Season 3 started out a bit odd and confusing, but it ended with an incredible bang that thrilled to no end. When she finally got to the Roadhouse, in what seemed to be an elaborate dream sequence, her dance was just beautiful. It could have been awkward, but instead it completely worked, and I loved it! Watch here ---> Audrey's Dance
"I am the FBI," certainly had every Twin Peaks' fan cheering in Part 16. Seeing Cooper truly return as Cooper was everything we'd been waiting for all season long. His Cooper instincts were fully intact and he immediately leaped into action. All that was missing was Cooper's classic thumbs up, but hey I'm not complaining, he came back and that's all that mattered. Watch here --- > I am the FBI.
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