A Trip Back to the Pilot and Alternate Ending
"Diane, 11:30 a.m., February 24th. Entering the town of Twin Peaks."
I've been wondering if something old can become new again. With the past firmly in the rearview - does it even matter to glance over my shoulder? The answer seems to be no - always move forward, don't look back, don't cling to nostalgia, as it really means nothing. Time is elusive, fleeting, and perhaps a trap that weights a person down. However, the past is also a building block. Like The Giant says, "A path is formed by laying one stone at a time." Perhaps, for me, that path will always lead back to Twin Peaks.
I took some years away. I hoped in time when I returned I could recapture the magic of Twin Peaks again. That magic had faded a little. Constant overdosing on social media and community kind of dulled its light. The anticipation from when The Return was first announced in 2014 to when it aired in 2017 was a beautiful time. I jumped in head first. For the first time in my life I had a chance to share my secret die hard devotion with others of like mind, but one thing was lost in all the hubbub - the simple joy of getting swept into the story, mood, and mystery of Twin Peaks. Was it great fun? Oh my, yes - but, there is always a price to be paid for overindulgence.
The excess sort of broke my creative spirit, in addition to work and just life in general. It was my own fault of course, but for a time I burned out on the series and films of David Lynch. After years of writing, joining podcasts, attending events, online promoting, etc., I managed to tire of something I deeply loved. So, I decided to distance myself. I stopped watching, writing and posting about Twin Peaks. Even though I've maintained a presence online, I sort of left Twin Peaks and its world. I last watched the original series in 2017 leading up to The Return, and then binged The Return several times into 2018. After that, I tried to keep an online presence going, but once the pandemic hit in 2020, there was little gas left in my tank.
Twin Peaks had been a haven for me in my teens and early twenties. After discovering it on TV as a kid, I sought out the entire series on VHS. After which, I indulged every year or so in a solo binge watch, where I was able enter the world of Twin Peaks with a young open mind. There was something so precious and special about those first rewatches and the emotional impact it had on me. Even the so-called "bad" episodes in Season 2 - you know, the Little Nicky, Evelyn and James stuff that fans like to poke fun at, were fresh to me then. I never minded them. I loved all of Twin Peaks in its totality. Fire Walk With Me was also a huge anchor for me. Years ago I wrote a piece called, Laura Walked With Me, which detailed the film's impact on me.
It can be beautiful to reminisce. I could wax nostalgic about Twin Peaks all day, but I've already done that on this blog, and in other outlets, so I won't rehash the same old. Instead I recently decided to rewatch the pilot episode with the alternate ending to see if I could muster that same enthusiasm or some new enthusiasm, because there are always new takeaways to garner from the series. In doing so I realized the overarching takeaway was of extensive loss. Seeing the faces of so many actors that have passed was kind of hard to digest.
For the first time since his passing seeing, "Directed by David Lynch", in the opening credits made me cry. For some reason, despite feeling empty, Lynch's death didn't really hit me emotionally until I saw that. I think because in that moment I realized this would be the first time I was watching Twin Peaks without David Lynch being alive. This has been said before by many, but it's so true - how special was it to be alive at the same time as him? To be part of something so unique with someone so talented and steadfast, and who was so true to their vernacular, was truly an honor. Lynch seemed so true to his art, and he made a successful career out of it, and did so in this mean-spirited world - wow, that's a rare person indeed.
However, it wasn't just the loss of Lynch that hit me. The pilot is full of actors that are no longer with us, so many, in fact, it felt like a memorial of sorts. Norma (Peggy Lipton), Major Briggs (Don S. Davis), The One-Armed man/Mike (Al Strobel), The Log Lady (Catherine Coulson), Catherine and Pete (Piper Laurie and Jack Nance), Julee Cruise, Doc Hayward (Warren Frost), and I'm certain I'm forgetting someone, man oh man, was it distracting. It really brings things full circle in a sad way. These people were once young and vital and now they're gone. Thankfully, they left a beautiful piece of themselves with us to be cherished forever.Another takeaway was how much actually happens in the pilot. So many quintessential Twin Peaks moments and famous quotes occur in the pilot that set the stage for the whole series. When Pete finds Laura's dead body on the beach and calls the sheriff to say, "She's dead, wrapped in plastic," I think that might be the most iconic, or at least one of the most iconic, lines of dialogue in the entire series. Dale's famous arrival in the town, making a quirky recording - "Diane, 11:30 a.m., February 24th. Entering the town of Twin Peaks." Today of all days, Twin Peaks fans are living and dreaming in that quote. To me, however, the most interesting element of the pilot is the alternate ending aka UK ending.
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